
Common Properties

This section lists the properties that are common to the Data components.


The View tab lets you see the views name and type and also set the initial visibility and z-index.

The Image Server provides a static image of your view.

The Show Image Server Url option allows you to set the image height and width, and the cache duration.

You can copy and paste this URL anywhere else (for example in Adhoc Reports) to display the image.

Action Bar

  • Show action bar: Determines whether to display the action bar or not.

  • Title: Fill in the title.

  • Show info button: Fill in the information and customise its format. On clicking, the information you have entered will display in a text field, guiding the user on how to proceed.

  • Show render button: A render button will display, which allows you to render into the desired output format, including HTML, PDF, XLSX and CSV. You can choose from the following output targets: Browser, Repository and Mail. You can also specify the render details, including page size and orientation (portrait or landscape).

  • Show filter button: A filter button will display. On clicking, a filter editor will open.

  • Show maximise button: A maximise button will display allowing you to maximise or restore the component in the browser.


  • URL: On selecting the Source, the related URL will automatically appear.

  • Source: Select from universe, view or embedded. A window will pop up, showing the available tables under universe, or the available views under the view options, with an option to use all data from that view or only the selected items, or display the schema under the embedded option.

  • Parameters: After the Source and URL are set, parameters will display (if any).


  • Add: In the Add Filter window, you can specify the field name, filter type and condition, as well as edit or delete the views. Refer to Table 7.1, “Filter Types”.

Adhoc Report

Adhoc Report displays reports with file extension .report.


View: See the section called “View”

  • URL: Click Repository to select the repository that contains the data for the report.


Datepicker is used for date fields and allows you to either type in a date or select it from a drop down calendar.

View: See the section called “View”

Actionbar: See the section called “Action Bar”

Data: See the section called “Data”


  • Type:

    • single: This displays a single date.

    • range: This displays a range of dates.

  • Label1: The label is customisable. The default label name is From. If you want to display a single date, only Label1 is necessary.

  • Label2: The label is customisable. The default label name is To. If you want to display a date range, both Label1 and Label2 are necessary.

  • Mode:

    • time picker: This displays a calendar combo box and a slider with hours, minutes and seconds for you to choose the exact time.

    • date picker: This displays a calendar combo box for you to choose the date.

    • month picker: This displays two drop-down lists with months and years for you to choose the month.

    • year picker: This displays a drop-down list with years for your selection.

  • Column: Specify a column from which the Datepicker will read data.

  • Min Date: Specify the minimum value for the date selection.

  • Max Date: Specify the maximum value for the date selection.

  • Date Format: Select one of the following date formats.

    • yy-mm-dd: e.g. 2012-06-01

    • D, dd M y: e.g. Fri, 01 Jun 12

    • D, d M y: e.g. Fri, 1 Jun 12

    • DD, dd-M-y: e.g. Friday, 01-Jun-12

    • D, d M yy: e.g. Fri, 1 Jun 2012

Filter: See the section called “Filter”


Grid view shows unique values from a particular column in the universe. A grid is a selection mechanism to narrow down the range of values, and is used to view a summary of the data.

View: See the section called “View”

Actionbar: See the section called “Action Bar”

Data: See the section called “Data”


  • Single Select / Multiple Select: Set whether the user can have single selection or multiple selections in the Run mode.

  • Type: Select from the following options.

    • Grid: Display the grid directly.

    • Select: Display the grid as a drop down list.

    • Checkbox: Display the grid as check boxes.

    • Radio: Display the grid as radio buttons.

  • Count: Set the number of rows or columns in the grid.

  • Direction: Select from the following options.

    • Down: Display the grid using the down then across direction.

    • Across: Display the grid using the across then down direction.

  • Column: Select the column from where the grid will read data.

The following screen shots illustrate how the grid displays with differing counts and directions. The data for the grid is taken from the universe named US State.

Grid with Count set as 2 (Grid with two rows) and direction set as Down:

Figure 7.3. Grid With Count Set as 2 and Direction Set as Down

Grid With Count Set as 2 and Direction Set as Down

Grid with Count set as 2 (Grid with two columns) and direction set as Across:

Figure 7.4. Grid With Count Set as 2 and Direction Set as Across

Grid With Count Set as 2 and Direction Set as Across

Grid with Count set as 3 (Grid with three rows) and direction set as Down:

Figure 7.5. Grid With Count Set as 3 and Direction Set as Down

Grid With Count Set as 3 and Direction Set as Down

Grid with Count set as 3 (Grid with three columns) and direction set as Across:

Figure 7.6. Grid With Count Set as 3 and Direction Set as Across

Grid With Count Set as 3 and Direction Set as Across

Filter: See the section called “Filter”


This component allows you to submit parameter values that can be used by many different views, to the dashboard.

View: See the section called “View”

Actionbar: See the section called “Action Bar”


  • Show Submit Button: Selecting this option allows you to submit parameter values to the dashboard, which in turn can be used by different views. For example, a Report view may require a parameter to display a report, and this parameter can be supplied at run time via the Parameter view. This option enables all form elements to be submitted together as otherwise submission is automatic on a per form element basis. For example, clicking Enter in the text field will submit only the text field.

  • Parameters: A list of parameters (if any) will show in the Parameter list. These parameters are required by various dashboards to show their content. The designer can choose some parameters or all of them to be presented as form elements on the form.


Report displays RML reports.

View: See the section called “View”

Actionbar: See the section called “Action Bar”


  • RML: Click Choose from repository... to set the RML file path, or type the path manually in the RML field.

  • Scrolling: If this option is selected, horizontal and vertical scroll bars will automatically display around the report view if they are required.

  • Paged: If this option is selected, there will be a page navigator when the report is broken into pages.

  • Streamed: If this option is selected, the report will be one continuous page. This is the opposite of the Paged option.

  • Parameters: Parameters will get loaded automatically (if any).

Report List

Report List allows a collection of RML reports specified by tags to be listed, previewed and rendered.

View: See the section called “View”

Actionbar: See the section called “Action Bar”


  • Heading: Type the heading for each report.

  • Tags: Type the tag for each report.

  • Show Preview: Enable you to preview the report in the design process.

  • Output: You have the option to render the report list into the following formats: PDF, DOCX, CSV, EXCEL, and PRINT.

  • Report: On clicking Refresh Reports, parameters and values will be automatically loaded (if any).


Allows the user to enter search criteria to determine what data is considered selected. The results of the search operation cannot be seen in the search view, but can only be seen by using the search as a data-source for another view. Therefore, by changing the search criteria in the search view, what is displayed in the other view will change.

View: See the section called “View”

Data: See the section called “Data”


  • Show header: Select to show the column headers in search results.

  • Autocomplete Limit: The autocomplete limit allows the number of suggestions in the auto complete list to be capped.

  • Column and Alias Columns allow the dashboard designer to select which fields will participate in the available search criteria. Alias allows you to rename them to your desired names for display.


Slider is used to select a value from a range of values that is displayed. The range can be a numerical range or a date range.

View: See the section called “View”

Actionbar: See the section called “Action Bar”

Data: See the section called “Data”


  • Type:

    • date: Select this option to read data from a date column. Between the two ends of the Slider, the dates will display individually.

    • date-range: Select this option to read data from a date column. Between the two ends of the Slider, the dates will display as a range.

    • numerical: Select this option to read data from a numerical column. Between the two ends of the Slider, numericals will display individually.

    • numerical-range: Select this option to read data from a numerical column. Between the two ends of the Slider, numbers will display as a range.

  • Horizontal / Vertical: Select the direction of the Slider.

  • Update on Stop / Update on Slide: Indicates when to update the related views that are filtered by the slider.

    If Update on Stop is selected, the views are updated, after you stop dragging the slider.

    If Update on Slide is selected, the views are updated, in real time as you drag the slider. This is a very resource intensive operation, as the update requests need to be sent in real time to the server, as you drag the slider.

  • Label: Create a label name for the Slider.

  • Wrap Label Text: If this option is selected, the label text will automatically wrap. Otherwise, the label text will not wrap but overlap.

  • Label Step: Set the label step for the Slider. For example, if the step equals to 1, there will be a label for every value. If the step equals to 3, there will be a label for every three values.

  • Show Tooltips: If this option is selected, a component tip will display when a label is selected.

  • Column: Select a column from which the Slider will read data. The data type in the column must be consistent with the type of the Slider. For example, if you choose Slider - Type - Date, it is necessary to choose a column which contains date values.

  • Date Format: Select one of the following date formats.

    • yy-mm-dd: e.g. 2012-06-01

    • D, dd M y: e.g. Fri, 01 Jun 12

    • D, d M y: e.g. Fri, 1 Jun 12

    • DD, dd-M-y: e.g. Friday, 01-Jun-12

    • D, d M yy: e.g. Fri, 1 Jun 2012


  • None: Do not select any values in the slider.

  • All: Select all the values by default in the slider.

  • First: Select the first value by default in the slider.

Filter: See the section called “Filter”.


This displays the data in a tabular form.

View: See the section called “View”

Actionbar: See the section called “Action Bar”.

Data: See the section called “Data”


  • Persist Selection: The selection remains permanent until the user un-selects the selection.

    Consider three tables A - B - C, each with a single column named id with four rows 1,2,3,4.

    Initially, if table A has four rows of data, and the first two are selected (1,2), then table B will show two rows (1,2), and table C will show no rows as there are no selections on table B.

    If now we select the first row in table B, then table C will show one selection (1). If we now go back to table A, and unselect row (2), what happens in table B depends on the option "Persist Selection".

    If Persist Selection is unchecked, then any changes on A will clear all selections in B. If Persist Selection is checked, then any changes on A will clear some or maybe all of the selection in B.

    If we unselect row (2) in table A, with Persist Selection unchecked, then table B and table C will show no data.

    If we unselect row (2) in table A, with Persist Selection checked, then table B will show one row (1) selected and table C will show one row.

  • Page Size: Set the maximum number of columns that will display on one page.

  • Single Select / Multiple Select: Set whether the user can have single selection or multiple selections in the Run mode.

  • Checkbox Selection: If this option is enabled, you can either select Left Column or Right Column to display the checkboxes at the left or right side of table columns.

  • Choose columns: After the Data - Source is set, columns under that source will automatically display. Click Choose columns, and the Column Chooser window will display. Make your selections and click OK.

    Width indicates the width of each column, in pixels. A value of zero causes the width to be automatically determined. Else, the width of the column is set to the user defined value.

    Allow Render indicates whether the output of the column is to be included when rendering to PDF and HTML. Select this option as desired.

    Renderers: The renderers column allows the contents of the table cell to be displayed or rendered differently depending on the value in the cell.

    An expression is selected to test the value. If the expression is true, the cell can be changed by one or more of the following ways.

    • Background colour
    • Foreground colour
    • Add an icon

    This allows you to mark a cell or a row of cells with unusually high values, for instance.

    One or more tests can be added per column. The first test that evaluates to true is the one that is used to render the cell.

Filter: See the section called “Filter”