Band Level Actions

This section describes the various band level actions of an Ad-hoc Report. The following instructions apply to all categories of bands and the Section Break option.

Creating a Band

Complete the following steps to create a Band:

  1. From the Ambience Web Interface, click Repository, to open an existing Ad-hoc Report, or create a new one. The report is opened in Analysis mode, ready for editing.

  2. Click Information Band / Table Band / Chart Band / Pivot Band / Section Break. A blank Band is created.

  3. You have the option to rename the Band by entering a new name in the text field below the Band title on the left pane.

    Figure 1.4. Report Bands

    Report Bands

Moving a Band

You have the option to move a Band to an upper or lower position in the band list. Click the Move Up () or Move Down () button on the Band according to your needs.

Deleting a Band

Complete the following steps to delete a Band:

  1. Click the Delete Band () button on the Band.

  2. A message displays, asking “Are you sure you want to delete this band?” Click Yes to confirm deletion.