Access Control

Because the files in the Repository are shared among a variety of different users and system engines, the security of information must be protected. To ease your concern, the Repository allows you to assign read and write access rights in a convenient way and keep the confidential information in proper place.

Assign read access right

To assign read access right to another user account, be sure that you have write access right to the target file or directory. Right-click the target file or directory, click the Access Control tab, click the Add button. The Clone Access Rights dialog opens, indicating that these access rights are defined at an upper-level directory. Click Yes to clone them to the current file for editing, or click No to select the path where they are defined. In the Add Entry dialog, select the User or Group radio button according to your needs. Select a user name or group name and click OK.

Assign write access right

Repeat the steps of assigning read access right, but select the Allow write access as well check box before clicking OK. Alternatively, you can assign read access right, select the user name or group name from the Reader list in the Access Control tab, and then select the check box in the Writer list.

The steps above apply to users and groups that already exist. To create users and groups and configure their properties, refer to the Working with the Domain Manager.

Remove write access right

Select the user name or group name from the Reader list in the Access Control tab, and then deselect the check box in the Writer list.

Remove read access right

Select the user name or group name from the Reader list in the Access Control tab, and then click the Remove button.

Clone access right

In a filesystem where you select one access entry and click "-", you will receive a message, saying that these access rights are defined at certain directory level, which is the parent access control list; click yes to clone them to the current file for editing, or no to select the path where they are defined.

If you click yes, you will get a copy of the permissions at the directory level where these access rights are defined. If you click no, you will revert back to the parent access control list.