
Tagging a file helps you differentiate it from other similar files and search for it according to customized keywords.

Tag a file: Select the desired file in the tree view of the Repository, click the Tags tab and type the tag name in the text field below the tree view. A tag can begin with <username>#, followed by text without any space. These tags can only be added and removed by the specific user. For example, jon#todo is a private tag which only jon can add and remove. Similarly, sales#2013 is a private tag which anyone in the sales team can add and remove. A tag such as important can be added and removed by anyone. Everyone can see the tags even if tags are private, and tags that do not begin with <username># can be edited by anyone. With private tags, however, the ability to add and remove is restricted to those with matching credentials.


Directories cannot be tagged.

Search for a file: Type the keywords in the text field above the tree view. Keywords are case-sensitive, and wildcard characters are not supported. If you need to specify a certain file type, add the filter “ext:xxx” at the end of the keywords separated by a space, where “xxx” stands for the file extension, such as “ds”, “rml”, “txt” and more. Please note that the filter “ext:xxx” must be used with some keywords instead of being used alone, because it means searching for all files in that type and there might be a huge number of files to process. You can add multiple “ext:xxx” to search for files that match any of the given extensions. Click the Search... button. The file name and last modification time will be shown if any file is found. When you select a search result, the tab pages at the bottom still work, such as Versions, Tags and Properties. Click the Refresh Tree button to return to the tree view.

The following tables show an example, in which you tag the files first, and then type different keywords to search. You will receive different results depending on the tags and keywords.

Table 2.2. Tags

FileFile extensionTag
Atxtfirst second third
Bdsfirst sample
Crmlsecond sample

Table 2.3. Keywords and Results

firstA, B
secondA, C
sampleB, C
sample ext:rmlC