
The Popup filter control allows you to define a popup for a particular group of pins.

Visual Usage

To view the popup, click on the pin and a popup will appear. To close the popup, click on the “x” icon at the upper left corner of the popup.

Do note that the close button may not be defined in the filter control, thus the “x” icon will not appear in the popup. In this case, click on anywhere on the map to close the popup.

Control Properties

Below are the fields for this filter control:

Field Description Mandatory Input Type Constraints Default Value
Type Selects the type of filter control. Y Drop-down list Select from drop-down list “Pin Filter”
Name Unique name of the filter control. Y Text field Any text “[New Control]”
Dataset Dataset to be used in the filter. Y Drop-down list Select from drop-down list None
Subset Subset of the dataset selected. Y Drop-down list Select from drop-down list
The dataset must be selected first.
Group Field Field of the selected dataset to be filtered. Y Drop-down list Select from drop-down list None
Group Value Value of the field selected in Group Field. Y Drop-down list Select from drop-down list None
Min Width Minimum width of popup. Y Text field Integer greater than 1 “50”
Max Width Maximum width of popup. Y Text field Integer greater than 1 “100”
Max Height Maximum height of popup. Y Text field Any text None
Close Button If selected, popup will include a close button. Y Checkbox Enable or disable Enabled
Text Defines the text to appear in the popup. Y Text field Any text None